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We'd love your donation to help us help our goldens!!!!
If you'd like to donate to NGRR, in the name of any of these stories mentioned below please click here and follow the instructions.
Thank you so much!

The Story of Jo
About a year ago, I received an adoption application that started, “Don’t discard this just because I am 92 years old.” She went on to say she was home a lot…when she wasn’t playing bridge… and missed her Golden who she lost to old age over the past couple of years. Jo knew NGRR would be concerned about what would happen to her new dog if her own health became compromised, but she had that figured out. Her younger (55) friend, Mary, was in a position to take the dog if needed. On Jo’s behalf, Mary and I started our search for a senior dog for Jo.
About a month later, Duke was surrendered by a woman who had medical problems and could no longer take care of him. There was some hesitation because he was only just shy of seven. Jo was looking for a bit more “old” in her “golden oldie,” but Duke was the name of her dog who had crossed the Rainbow Bridge most recently and she decided perhaps “it was meant to be.” It was love at first sight. Jo throws the ball for Duke in the big backyard, and the neighbors take him on long walks with their dogs. He also gets exercise by running up and down the stairs to watch people go by in the big window. I think you can tell by the picture the bond Jo and Duke have made.
When these adoptions happen, it is hard to determine who the winner is. The dog or the adopter. I think Jo and Duke are both Golden!
Jan Dreyer - AC San Luis Obispo

Adoption and Fostering!
We (my husband and I) have adopted 4 senior Golden from Norcal since 1995, and fostered several others. Minnie (pictured on left) was our last one. They have all been special in their own way – three of the four had major health issues (lymphoma, brain tumors) with big accompanying vet bills, but I would do it all again. Minnie (aka Minuet) was left by her owner with some friends over the 2009 Christmas holiday season and he never returned for her. She was the sweetest, most loyal Golden I have ever had, and she was a real trooper through the 16 months we had her, dealing with her lymphoma that entire time. Mo (Mona Lisa) was fortunate to have her as a companion as she was growing out of puppyhood.
Bobbie LaPorte - San Francisco

Cooper & Bailey
I have been a volunteer with NGRR since 1999. During that time I've fostered two dogs and adopted five (two were the ones fostered). Bailey is the only dog pictured.
Cooper, adopted in 2000 at age 1 year, crossed Rainbow Bridge 2006; Big Bear, fostered/adopted in 2004 at 7 1/2, crossed Rainbow Bridge 2007; Travis, adopted in 2007 at age 9, crossed Rainbow Bridge 2009; Beaubear, adopted in 2007 at age 8 weeks; Bailey, adopted/fostered in 2011 at age 11.
Bailey is an owner surrender from the Yuba City shelter (he lived outside with several other dogs, one of which was an escape artist that broke out of the fence on numerous occasions, allowing his cohorts to escape with him. Owner decided to round them all up and take them to the shelter.). My friend Shirlee Thomas was badly in need of a foster for Bailey since she already had a house full - as is usually the case - so I said I'd take him. He is the youngest-acting 11 year old I've ever encountered. He's a playing machine, reminiscent of the Energizer Bunny. At the Spring Fling on April 16th (an annual off-leash 'doggy disneyland' event at a large ranch), I couldn't get him out of the pond, even to take a break. The official photographer for this event got this great shot of Bailey:Beau and Bailey have become good friends and are enjoying life at our new home with a half acre to run in and a pool to cool off in.
Loretta Miller - Los Gatos

Daisy - (aka Blondie)
Most people say that they "rescued" a Golden Retriever, but actually, in our case, a Golden Retriever rescued us! We lost our beloved 10 year old Sophie (also a Golden Retriever) last Halloween to a brain tumor, and the next few months were very difficult ones, as we mourned her loss. We wanted a smaller dog this time, and Daisy fit the bill -- she is now 59 pounds, after losing 11 pounds in the first month we've had her, through a lot of walks, ball chasing, and just doggie food, no table scraps!
She settled in nicely from the moment we brought her home with us. Any apprehensions or worries we may have had about a "dog with a past" vanished within the first 20 minutes! Although we don't know too much about her previous home, she doesn't seem to have been mistreated at all. She's very loving and easily settled into our routine. She's equally at home with cuddling with us on the couch while we watch a movie or chasing a ball in our garden or going for long walks.
Although we still miss our Sophie, Daisy has truly rescued us. I had heard that there is something very special about a rescue dog; they are so grateful for a second chance, and it is true! There are so many beautiful and loving Golden Retrievers and other breeds out there who need us, and we need them!
The Winter Family - Linda Drummy - Foster City

...this boy was a bit of a little rascal. He initially lived in the country with another dog and probably had little contact with anyone other than his immediate mate and person. He had a small problem with eating anything and everything is wasn't suppose to eat...well after he got into a new foster home and was evaluated a new home was found for him in a short time. He was a little rough around the edges, as he hadn't been socialized properly with other dogs, but now his new mom as worked with him and all is well! Kevin you deserve a wonderful loving home, just like you received!

We received from a backyard breeder along with some of his siblings at a very young age. They had been abused and neglected but their advantage was they were young and teachable. We immediately found homes for Gus and his siblings and this is a picture of what Gus looked like a year after his adoption. Isn't he just gorgeous! He happily lives in a suburb of Sacramento and is super happy chasing tennis balls and swimming in the family pool!

Diego was my special boy. I was at the airport we got from a shelter in Cabo. Who knows his story as he was picked up on the streets, had little training and was filthy. he had some medical "issues" and had to stay in the shelter for over a month to get his health in check before they'd allow him into the States. His foster couple kept him for several months to teach him some golden manners and thanks to them (Zoe and Pam) Diego found a great home here in the City and is now living the life every good golden should be...another fabulous success story! God bless Jim and Andrew for giving him a perfect home!
Jim and Andrew
Video by Paul Bliss - www.blinc.net, music by Suzanne Ciani - www.sevwave.com