Poetry & Prose

Dog Quotes
Terrific quotes about dogs from famous people

Dogs Prayer
A dog's prayer to be cared for and loved. 

Do I go home today?
A dog wonders if this is the day he'll be adopted or...... 

Christmas puppy poem
Santa rescues an ignored dog

If I didn't have dogs
A view of  life without dogs 

The Rainbow Bridge
The sweetest story of when a dog passes on.

Last will and testament
The will of Eugene O'Neill's dog, Blemie

Poor little rich dog
What can happen to dogs that are ignored.    
For Foster homes everywhere
A dog tells us how wonderful it is to be fostered.

Puppy Love
Suzanne Luther's sad story of a very sick dog from a puppy mill

Rescue Dog
A dog's story of being  rescued
Subject: Rescue needed
A fun story about choosing dog or spouse for rescue

Just a dog
How we all feel about our dogs