2025 Calendar in the Store. Spring Newsletter posted under NEWS. To receive a newsletter, please send a note to [email protected]
Since our entire organization is staffed entirely by volunteers, your contribution will help pay for veterinary care, and other direct expenses required in our work to rescue and find loving homes for hundreds of Golden Retrievers each year, and to support our outreach and public education programs.
You may donate using cash, check or credit card using our printable donation form where you can print the form and mail it with your cash, check or credit card information to us at the address on the form.
You may also donate a gift of appreciated securites, real estate, a gift from your estate, through your employer, or from charitable foundations and trusts. For more information, please see Other Donation Options. NGRR’s Federal Tax Exempt ID is 77-0392584.
You may donate your vehicle using CARS.
Designate the Use of Your Gift
NGRR relies upon placement and adoption donations, special events, merchandise sales, and charitable donations for its funding. Our primary goal is that all our Rescue Goldens are well-cared-for and loved. The online donation form has all the fields you need to donate to any of the following:
1. General Fund:
Contributions to this fund will pay for ordinary veterinary care such as spaying or neutering, inoculations, routine checkups, and other expenses directly related to our Goldens in foster care. Any excess monies we raise in this fund are used to help us in our fight against puppy mills and puppy auctions, and other NGRR related outreach programs. We, also, occasionally use our General Funds to help other animal rescue agencies during catastrophic events such as earthquakes, forest fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc.
2. Senior Fund:
Contributions to this fund will be used to support the extra veterinary and foster care usually required for dogs 8 years and older — our well-deserving Golden Oldies.
3. Special Needs Fund:
Inspired by “Zack”, a severely dysplastic Golden taken in and treated by NGRR, this fund was established to provide extensive veterinary care, surgery, and rehabilitation to young and well-deserving Goldens who are critically ill, deformed or injured, but who have a good chance of recovery and finding a new loving home. These dogs need immediate access to funds to restore their quality of life and, in extreme cases, to save their lives without placing a financial burden on their adoptive families. See Special Needs Goldens for additional background. You can designate a specific dog to benefit from your Special Needs gift. Any funds donated in excess of what was needed for a particular dog will go to the next deserving dog. Similarly, we will use the General Fund to make up any shortfall for a deserving dog.
4. Memorial:
You can donate to create a Memorial for any special friend (human or four legged) who has left us. Please tell us who it is for on the online donation form and we will send a personalized handwritten acknowledgement to whom you designate. If you would like, in addition, to have a Memorial on our website, please click on our Memorials and Tributes page for more details.
5. Tribute:
You can donate to create a Tribute in honor of a special event, or to honor a special friend in your life or the lives of those closest to you. Please tell us who it is for on the online donation form and we will send an acknowledgement to whom you designate. If you would like, in addition, to have a Tribute on our website, please click on our Memorials and Tributes page for more details.
6. Success Story:
You can donate in honor of a successful adoption, where the family and the new golden are a wonderful match, enriching the lives of both.
Video by Paul Bliss - www.blinc.net, music by Suzanne Ciani - www.sevwave.com