2025 Calendar in the Store. Spring Newsletter posted under NEWS. To receive a newsletter, please send a note to [email protected]
Gift of Appreciated Securities
Your outright gift of long-term, appreciated securities (stocks, mutual funds, and bonds) is exempt from capital gains taxes and, in most cases, enables you to obtain a charitable income tax deduction equal to the market value of the securities at the time of transfer, for up to 30% of your adjusted gross income. Any excess can be carried over for up to five additional years.
In considering a transfer of appreciated stock or mutual fund shares, it is important to transfer the actual shares, not to sell the shares first and then donate the proceeds. To receive the benefit of avoiding capital gains tax, ask your broker to transfer the appreciated securities directly from your account to Norcal Golden Retriever Rescue's account at Pershing LLC, One Pershing Plaza, Jersey City, NJ 07399. (If you have physical possession of the stock you wish to give, please contact us via [email protected] and we will connect you with our Treasurer. To make an electronic transfer, here's what to do:
Write a letter instructing your broker to transfer a certain number of shares of specific company stock or mutual fund (i.e., 100 shares of International Paper) from your account to Norcal Golden Retriever Rescue's account at Pershing LLC-Cetera Advisor Networks, LLC via DTC# 0443-06H-154178. The letter does not need to be notarized or mailed in any special way, and you do not need to specify the ticker symbol of the stock. Make two photocopies of the letter, and send the original to your broker at his or her correct address. Keep one copy of the letter for your files. Send the second copy to Norcal Golden Retriever Rescue, 405 El Camino Real, Suite 420, Menlo Park, CA 94025-5240. It is extremely important that we receive a copy of your letter to your broker! You may not receive documentation the IRS requires to substantiate your charitable contribution unless we are notified of your electronic funds transfer. You may wish to call your broker to confirm that s/he has received your letter. Your broker is required to carry out your transfer instructions within 7 days. If there are less than 7 days left before the end of the calendar year, please call Ellen Fenichel @ 510-502-7250 so that we can help facilitate a timely transfer for you. Wait for a letter from Norcal Golden Retriever Rescue that says "Thank you!" and gives you the exact value you can claim as your charitable tax contribution for the calendar year. Then sit back and enjoy the wonderful feeling of knowing that your gift will make a real difference in the life of a Golden in need.
Gifts Through Your Estate
For many of us, making a gift through our estate is the most realistic way to provide a substantial contribution to NORCAL Golden Retriever Rescue. At the same time, a carefully planned estate gift can reduce or eliminate federal estate taxes, depending upon the size of your estate. Although you will want to consult with your attorney when making or revising your will, the following are suggestions for making various types of bequests:
Specific Bequest:
Norcal Golden Retriever Rescue receives a stated percentage of the estate, a specific dollar amount, or a specific piece of property. For example, "I bequeath 25% of my estate to NORCAL Golden Retriever Rescue, a non-profit charitable organization incorporated under the laws of the State of California, located at 405 El Camino Real, Suite 420, Menlo Park, CA 94025 to be used as its board of directors deems appropriate." This is one of the most popular forms of bequests.
Residual Bequest:
Norcal Golden Retriever Rescue receives all or a stated percentage of an estate after distribution of specific bequests and payment of debts, taxes, and expenses. For example, "I bequeath 100% of the remainder of my estate to Norcal Golden Retriever Rescue, a non-profit charitable organization incorporated under the laws of the State of California, located at 405 El Camino Real, Suite 420, Menlo Park, CA 94025 to be used as its board of directors deems appropriate."
Contingency Bequest:
Norcal Golden Retriever Rescue receives part or all of the estate under certain specified circumstances. For example, "If my spouse does not survive me, I bequeath 50% of the remainder of my estate to Norcal Golden Retriever Rescue, a non-profit charitable organization incorporated under the laws of the State of California, located at 405 El Camino Real, Suite 420, Menlo Park, CA 94025 to be used as its board of directors deems appropriate."
Trust Established Under a Will:
A variety of trusts may be established that provide for both Norcal Golden Retriever Rescue and other beneficiaries. Your estate-planning advisor can provide you with additional information that will best meet your individual needs.
Gifts of Real Estate
You can make a gift of commercial or residential real estate to Norcal Golden Retriever Rescue and receive substantial financial benefits. If you wish to give the property outright, you qualify for a charitable income tax deduction based on the appraised value of the property. If you are contemplating leaving your home to Norcal Golden Retriever Rescue through your will, you may want to consider giving it now but retaining the right to live in it for your lifetime. You will continue to pay taxes, insurance, and maintenance costs. However, by giving now, you will receive a substantial charitable income tax deduction in the year that the gift is made.
Gifts Through Your Employer
Payroll Deduction
The simplest (and most painless) way for many of us to manage our gift-giving is with an easy payroll deduction. Each year United Way, the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), and other charitable campaigns give working people the opportunity to decide how to allocate payroll deductions or make a one-time contribution at work. You can direct your United Way contribution to Norcal Golden Retriever Rescue by way of a Donor Option card. Ask your employer for one of these cards, and United Way will direct your contribution to Norcal Golden Retriever Rescue.
Matching Gift
Over 6,000 companies encourage their employees' philanthropy through a matching gift program whereby your employer will match your individual donations. This generous program doubles, and sometimes triples, your donation to Norcal Golden Retriever Rescue. Ask your human resources department if your employer has such a program. If so, you will be given a matching gift form to send to Norcal Golden Retriever Rescue with your donation-and we'll do the rest!
Gifts from Foundations Norcal Golden Retriever Rescue gladly accepts donations from other charitable foundations and trusts. If you know of such an agency and can help us make it happen, please contact us at [email protected].
Video by Paul Bliss - www.blinc.net, music by Suzanne Ciani - www.sevwave.com