
Name: Nala

Number: 89488

Age: 3 Years 1 Months

Gender: Female

Cars: Rides and rests in back seat well, occasionally looking about.

Cats: Yes, has lived with elderly cat. Can seem a bit "pesty" if the cat wants to sleep, especially where Nala wants to recline.

Kids: Did fine living with older children.

Other Dogs: High energy play once familiar.

Owner Exp.: Will need more training

Home Alone: Potty trained. Sleeps up to 12 hs overnight indoors. Does 3 hrs at home daytimes OK.


Nala is looking for a very special home...

Nala has been looking for her forever home for a long time. She needs a very special home that will continue the work we have done with her to date. She is definitely a project dog that can be exhausting at times but she is sweet and loving. Her ideal home is one that will work with her to become her better self. We welcome you to contact us ([email protected]) for more specific information. We will put you in touch with someone who knows her the best. Does your home have the patience, understanding, and willingness to help Nala, a dog that desperately needs patience and understanding?