
Name: Lucy

Number: 77572

Age: 8 Years 0 Months

Gender: Female

Cars: a little nervous getting in but then ok

Cats: unknown

Kids: 8 years or older

Other Dogs: ok with older dogs, not so great with young or small dogs

Owner Exp.: beginner

Home Alone: better if someone is home most of the time


Lucy is a very sweet dog looking for a new home! She was found by animal control in Fremont when she was stuck in some bushes. Seems that she had a lot of run-ins with nature previously, since she had many foxtails in her ears - these have been removed. She will be taking antibiotics for a bit longer but should recover completely. Because she can be a little reactive to younger dogs, a home with older dogs or no dogs would be best. Lucy loves her humans and tennis balls - would you like to add a sweet companion to your family?