
Name: Duggar

Number: 57840

Age: 3 Years 0 Months

Gender: Male

Cars: Rode well in car

Cats: Unknown

Kids: Older kids only

Other Dogs: Bonded to Cesar (8 yo labradoodle)

Owner Exp.: Medium

Home Alone: New to being left. Best in crate


Bonded Pair - Cesar and Dugger

Cesar is an 8-year-old Labradoodle who weighs 93 lbs and needs to lose 10- 15 lbs. He is currently on phenobarbital twice a day to control seizures. Cesar is bonded to his brother Dugger, a 2-year-old Golden Retriever who weighs 70 lbs. Duggar will need to be neutered. Both are house trained but not much experience outside the home. Intro to foster dogs went well. Tethered to ride in the car. Cesar is busy in the car. Dugger lays down. Both are being fostered in Fremont,