
Name: Charolette

Number: 80977

Age: 10 Years 3 Months

Gender: Female

Cars: Doesn't want to get in on her own but is a good rider

Cats: Unknown probably good.

Kids: Unknown.

Other Dogs: Great!!

Owner Exp.: Senior lover wanted!

Home Alone: Good.


Charolette is down to a mere 98.5 pounds! That's 5 pounds gone, 20-ish more to go. She's not able to go for long walks because of limited range of motion in her elbows and shoulders, and she has suspected old partial tears of her CCLs bilaterally and a meniscal tear on one side. She waddles with a smile on her face, though! She's on anti-inflammatories and receives Adequan injections for her joints.

More photos available. Charolette is looking for some senior love! A home with another sweet dog or two would be ideal. A one-story house would suit her best. She's already lost 3 pounds, down to a mere 100.5! Good girl, Charolette!