
Name: Buddy

Number: 58339

Age: 2 Years 5 Months

Gender: Male

Cars: needs tether- Is very calm in the car.

Cats: unkown

Kids: Very gentle with children at least 5 years of age

Other Dogs: great, calm, no competition for toys or food, plays well

Owner Exp.: moderate

Home Alone: have used crate due to young age, he lies down and sleeps


Buddy has a Golden Heart

Buddy may not be a Golden, but his personality and temperament could not be more Golden! Buddy is a Maremma Sheepdog with some Golden thrown in. He's a quiet and gentle soul who just loves everyone. He is good around kids over 5, plays well with other dogs, and does not pull on his leash unless he comes across another dog on a leash, then he gets excited and pulls pretty hard. Buddy is quite intelligent and can open a gate latch he will also jump a fence that is not at least 6 feet. He will chew if bored or tied up. He's chewed through leashes and tie-outs. Buddy doesn't mind his crate and is potty-trained. Buddy would do well in a home with another dog and folks who are home most of the time. He likes a quiet routine environment. Buddy will chase cats so cats are not advised.